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Rogiet Moor Range Closed untill further notice

Due to staff shortages Rogiet Moor in closed and is unlikely to reopen this year


Home Loaded Ammunition on MOD ranges

If members wish to shoot with Home loaded ammunition on MOD ranges next year you will need to have it added to your Safe shooter card anyone who does not have it on their Safe Shooters Card will be restricted to using Factory ammunition only

You will need to fill in a form stating you have read the NRA home loading document and will abide by its requirements

This form needs returning along with your application for a Safe Shooters Card

The club has produced a hand loading course for members who wish to learn to home load ammunition HERE

NRA forms for safe shooters card are HERE and HERE


Club Emails

All club emails to Hotmail accounts are being returned by Hotmail as undelivered members with a Hotmail account will need to contact Hotmail for a resolution Some Outlook account are also being returned


We have the following shoots booked


The first Saturday of the month

10 AM Start do not arrive before 09:30 and do not queue in the lane


Rogiet Moor

You must be on the range by 0830 for the range Brief if you arrive late and miss the range brief you will not be allowed to shoot

Any person who wishes to leave the range early must inform the RCO on arrival at the range

Any person who wishes to leave early must complete 2 details in the Butts you must do Butts detail first shoot then do a second Butts detail you are then free to leave the range or shoot and leave part way through your second shoot



Increase in Green Fee

Due to the rising cost of booking ranges the committee has taken the decision to increase the cost of the range green fee. Military ranges will rise to £20 and Yate to £15 the Guest fee will rise to £30 for military ranges 


We have booked Rogiet Moor for the year dates below; the MOD will only confirm dates 3 months in advance. So, the dates we have asked for are not guaranteed

Yoxter is currently closed we do not know when it will reopen so we cannot book any dates there.

Dates applied for

April 7 th Cancelled Urgent Maintenance

May 12 th

May 19 th 600

May 26th Cancelled

June 2nd Cancelled

Saturday 15 June AUTHORISED 100m

June 30 th Authorised 300 and 400

July 21 st Cancelled

Rogiet Moor Closed untill further notice


Please read the following from the Metropolitan Police

Following a recent very nasty robbery, the Metropolitan Police have asked all the major National Governing Bodies of shooting to circulate advice.  The NRA earnestly requests its members to accept and follow the advice, and to pass it on to other firearm owners.

On Saturday 5 th September 2020 a firearm certificate holder advertised a gun for sale on GunStar , one of the well-known sites for sales of lawfully owned guns. The advert was answered by two men and the holder arranged for a meeting at his home address. He invited the potential buyers into his home where he showed the gun and his certificate. Sadly what happened next would have been a shock to any person. The buyers were in fact criminals who proceeded to hold the certificate holder at knife point, tie him and his wife up and then instruct him to load the gun for them. They then left the household, leaving the holder bound.

The police ask us to remind firearms owners that there are criminals who are also reviewing sites like GunStar . It is easy to assume, incorrectly, that purported buyers have the same enthusiasm for the sport as they do. This is not always the case.

To reduce risk of another such crime, the police offer the following, and ask for our assistance to make crimes of this type more difficult to perpetrate and with joint effort, avoid a repetition.  They emphasise this is advice; it is not guidance or regulation, and is provided to suggest options:

  • Try to check certificates prior to any meeting. A genuine buyer should not object to, for instance, sending an electronic image of their certificate.  That includes a photograph of the holder which can be compared with the person at the door, before any entry is allowed into the home.
  • Try to complete a sale away from your home. At home, a criminal has access to the entire contents of your safe; a better location may be at your local shooting club as more people will be present. This may be the deterrent needed to prevent the criminal brazen behaviour.  
  • Advertise locally within your club environment rather than online.
  • Ideally use an RFD as a conduit for sale. This is by far the safest option, and while the cost is understood, the risk to holder is entirely negated.

This robbery was shocking for the holder.  The police ask for our help to prevent any further, similar incidents.


For competition rules follow the link

Competition Results


The Home office has updated guidance on firearms licensing from 2015 click Here to download a copy


HME Zeroing change

The procedure for Zeroing HME rifle before shooting has changed if sights can be set for 200 Yards/Meters there is a new target to use you need to place 3 shots in the circle before moving back to longer distances. Please read the HME page before attending any range day that you wish to shoot an HME firearm you will need to print off the new target. Training notes will be updated shortly however everything you need to know is on the HME page HERE New HME RCO brief is HERE


For shooters with telescopic sights fitted to a 308 rifle a range card is available to download, it gives sight adjustment in clicks from a 100 zero to 1000 yds for a pdf copy follow the link 308 range card

Individual safety certificates

As of the 1st Jan 2009 all civilians shooting on MOD ranges will have to carry a safety certificate certified for each type of firearm you use. for more information follow this link

For an application form for your safety certificate download in Pdf Format Here

High Muzzle Energy

If you plan to shoot a rifle with a High Muzzle energy (HME) you will have to zero every time you wish to shoot. HME is any rifle shooting ammunition that exceeds 4500J. if you share a rifle all shooters must zero, if you shoot different batches of ammunition you will have to zero with each batch. For more information follow this link

HME Training
Training notes are on the HME page all persons wishing to shoot or have HME on their safety certificate must download and print a copy of the training notes and zeroing target and bring them to the range. the training record will have to be filled in and retained by the club

Small Ballistics software

With the introduction of a limit of 4500 joules of muzzle energy on MOD ranges it is imperative that all members know what their ammunition is producing. You can download a free ballistics program that will do the calculations for you.

To Setup, download the win zip file(376 KB) and extract all files to a folder, double click on PROJEKTL.EXE and the program will run. The program is in German, to change the language click on about and select English. For mass read bullet weight


If you just want to enter Bullet weight and velocity then you can use the Ballistic Calculator Click HERE

Probationary Handbook

Probationary member’s handbook can be downloaded in Pdf format


Guest Fees

Guest / Visitors fees are to rise. Pistol and rifle is £20 from the 1st Jan 2017

For the use of members only

Guests and visitors

A guest is someone that does not have a firearm certificate; they may shoot on recognized guest days. That is the days that the club announces as guest days and informs the police in advance. By law the club can have a maximum 12 guest days a year. All guests must be sponsored and accompanied by a full member of the club, who is ultimately responsible for the guest. The club secretary must be notified 48 hrs in advance in writing using the appropriate guest form.

A Visitor is someone who has a current firearms certificate and a current safety certificate signed by their club chairman, or by the NRA. Visitors can attend any shoot day if invited by the club secretary 48 hrs in advance, they must be sponsored by a full member of the club, a visitor’s form must be submitted to the club before any visitor may shoot. If the holder of a current firearms certificate does not have a safety certificate issued by a club or the NRA then they will not be classed as a visitor but a guest and may only attend guest days.

It is the responsibility of deer and vermin shooters who are not members of a target shooting club and who wish to shoot on MOD ranges to arrange their own safety certificates.

Severnside range is non MOD so a safety certificate is not needed and visitors may attend without being in possession of a safety certificate.

Guests and Visitors shooting on MOD ranges must be over 16 years old

The fee for a Guest or visitor is £20 from 1st Jan 2017


I have added both guest and visitor forms for download
A guest is someone that is NOT in possession of an F.A.C. and may only attend on official guest days.
A visitor is someone that has a valid F.A.C. and may attend any range date that the club secretary has given his permission for the visitor to attend.
In both cases the forms must be submitted by a full member and be in the possession  of the club secretary 48 hours before the range date attended.  forms  submitted on the day will not be accepted and guests or visitors will not be allowed to shoot.

Guest form in Adobe Acrobat or MS Word
Visitor form in Adobe  Acrobat or MS Word


Directions to Yoxter rifle range

Yoxter rifle range is just outside Cheddar on the  B3371. Through the gorge on the B3135 turn left onto B3371, range is on the right hand side of the road.  From Bristol it is just south of West Harptree A368,   A37 south to Chelwood roundabout  turn right A368 Weston Super Mare turn left past West Harptree onto B3371 Range is on the left or  A38 south from Bristol to Traffic lights at Churchill turn left A368 Bath about 1km turn right onto the B3134 3km turn right onto B3371 range is on left

Click HERE for map to Yoxter

Directions to Rogiet Moor/ Severn Tunnel range

Leave Motorway at Chepstow turning. Head up the A466 duel carriageway towards Chepstow, at first roundabout at top of the hill turn left onto the A48 Newport road. past the golf course over the motorway to next roundabout, turn left towards Caldicot B4245 pass through Caldicot  onto Rogiet on the far side of the village you will see a British Rail sign to the Severn tunnel  Junction on the left.  Turn left down this road, over the railway bridge and onto the end of the track, turn left and Rogiet Moor range is through the gate on your right. carry on past the turning into Rogiet moor for  another  half mile until the track comes to an end and you will arrive at Severn Tunnel range .


Leave the M4 at the Magor turning J23, go left at the roundabout pick up the Magor road B4245 almost immediately pass through Magor towards Caldicot  as soon as you enter the village of Rogiet there is a turning on your right signed with a British Rail sign to the Severn tunnel Junction turn right down this road, over the railway bridge and onto the end of the track, turn left and Rogiet Moor range is through the gate on your right. carry on past the turning into Rogiet moor for  another  half mile until the track comes to an end and you will arrive at Severn Tunnel range .

Click HERE for map to Rogiet Moor
. Severn Tunnel range is half a mile past the gate to Rogiet Moor marked danger area on the map

all downloads are in pdf format unless stated

308 range card

Guest Form pdf

Guest Form Doc

Safety Certificate application

HME training notes

HME Target 200yds sight set at 600yds

Visitor form pdf

Visitor form Doc



Probationary handbook

security guidance

BASC and ACPO guide to storing explosives

Home Office guidance to police New Nov 2015

Child Protection Policy

Club Constitution

Club Hand loading course

Firearms act 68 to 07

NRA Home loading guide

NRA Home load SSC









Contact email
Click here