Welcome to the Bristol Muzzle loaders.
The Bristol Muzzle and Breech Loading Gun Club is a Home Office Approved Target Shooting Club.
The Club shoots Full Bore Rifle, Muzzle Loading Rifle, Muzzle Loading, Pistol Black Powder Revolvers, and Underlever rifles.
We are affiliated to the National Rifle Association of Great Britain and are also a branch of the Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain.
The club was formed back in the 1960’s as a purely Muzzle Loading rifle club but has diversified and changed over the decades into a more general target shooting club. We encourage members to shoot across all disciplines rather than just shoot purest target rifle
We have a diverse membership that shoot anything from antique or reproduction rifles, Vintage and classic rifles, Sporting rifles and the more modern and sophisticated high power target rifles, all are shot at distances up to 1000 yards. Pistol shooting is with Black powder single shot pistols, Black Powder revolvers and long barrelled revolvers at 25 yards
The club holds monthly meeting for members to meet socially
We have a place on the local firearms liaison committee of Avon and Somerset Police, representing the interests of the club members and the wider shooting community.
We also run a stand at a number of local county shows designed to inform the public about target shooting sports.
The club takes on new members who wish to take up target shooting, and gives full training in all aspects of shooting. If you wish to know more about joining please go to the legal page for more details.